In this article, we will discuss how sleep hours differ with age. Whether you are sleeping effectively or not can be determined by your mental health. Sleeping helps your body, mind, and soul to exhilarate themselves. To put a stop to a tiresome day and rest is equally important. If you are lying on the bed while binge-watching or scrolling social media apps, it is not resting. It means you are straining your brains to amass information.
All work and no sleep?
It is always said that if you want to be a triumphant personality, you should work hard. But does working hard obligate you to burn the midnight oil? The answer is a clear ‘No’. All successful people have one thing to say, manage your time adequately. You should not be staying up at night working hard and then sleeping during the day. That is a completely wrong practice. Although certain work shifts require you to work at night. But then you should follow a disciplined sleep schedule. It is mandatory to gift yourself enough sleeping hours as per your age.
Older adults – 5 to 9 hours
Minimum sleep hours vary according to your age. If you are an adult aging above 65+ it is nearly possible to not be able to sleep for more than 8 hours. An older adult should sleep at least 5 hours. The recommended hours for sleep are 7 to 8 hours. Also, in a study conducted by the National Sleep Foundation, older adults tend to sleep in fragments. The reason behind this is the slow production of growth hormones. They tend to wake up after short naps. Older adults find it difficult to get deep sleep for 8 hours of sleep at one stretch.
Adults – 6 to 10 hours
The major working population ages between 25 to 65 years. It’s the age when you get your hustle on. The motivation, the energy, the dedication all add up for your success. But at the cost of your sleep? Is money as valuable as your health? No, it is certainly not. As a child, you learned ‘health is wealth’. Your health needs equal attention.
For a grown-up, sleeping less than 6 hours a day is not appropriate. Ideally, hours invested in your sleep should be between 7 to 9. You are aware that a good investment at a young age yields better profit. So think of it this way, if you invest at least 7 hours a day in your sleep and rest, you shall be avoiding disorders and diseases like dementia, loss of memory, and many more. A happy and healthy retirement is all you need when you get older.
Young adults – 6 to 11 hours
While you construct your career after 25, you start digging for pillars at a very young age. Young adults are a part of the competitive system. You are undoubtedly taught ‘if you work hard, you get to celebrate harder.’ Every other early 20’s person is running in the same rat race.
It is important to get a minimum of 6 hours of sleep during your study hours. Studying at dawn, or pulling all-nighters, should not be a continuous habit. Time management, meditation for memory are essential activities to be learned.
At this age, if you find yourself tucked inside your soft comforters for more than 11 hours a day, you must work to change it. Oversleeping too can cause mood swings, headaches, laziness, tiredness, and weight gain.
Teen – 7 to 11 hours
Teen years are the best years, they say. You are old but not old enough. You witness new emotions, new connections with your friends and family.
Even though you wish to spend your best years with your friends planning slumber parties, it is necessary to sleep for 7 to 10 hours daily.
School-age – 7 to 12 hours
The beginning of school is a bit tedious. Waking up early, long hours at school, homework, and assignments to complete, the list is never-ending. It is a parent’s responsibility to keep a check on the sleep cycles of their kids. You do not want your kid to stay up late watching tv or any other gadget.
Kids at this age should be sleeping between 7 to 11 hours. Sleeping helps them strengthen their memory and grasping power. Make sure they take an afternoon nap to refresh the brain and body. They should be involved in some physical activity like sport or art, where they get to express themselves.
Preschool – 8 to 14 hours
Preschool kids go through many transitions. They are learning new languages, meeting new people, and learning to express their emotions in the right way. All this and a lot more.
For a child aged between 3 years to 5 years, sleeping is where all the growth takes place. They repeat their daily activities before sleeping and talk about the days in their slumber.
It is highly recommended that you let them sleep anywhere between 8 to 14 hours. The age-appropriate sleeping habits should be followed with discipline.
Newborn to Toddler – 9 to 13 hours
From birth to being a toddler, a child’s sleep cycle changes drastically. When they are born, for the first 3 months they sleep for about 20 hours a day. A mother can easily notice the shift in napping hours when they grow.
Infants and toddlers gradually lose their sleep time. As they start to notice new surroundings and ways to play with toys, it is necessary to train them to sleep enough. To find more ways to put your baby to sleep you must read our blog here.
This is the age when their sleep harvests for mental, physical, and emotional development. The constant breaking of kids’ nap time can result in a baby being cranky. They would not like to eat or play if they feel sleepy and lousy.
Just like food, clothing, and other material things, sleep is necessary. Not being able to sleep, insomnia or sleeplessness are disorders of the body system. If you suffer from any of these or something similar, you should not hesitate to visit a doctor.
Type 2 diabetes, blood pressure, obesity, depression, dementia, Alzheimer and other such diseases are largely associated with short hours of sleep over several greener years. Sleeping for just 3 to 5 hours a day can seem fruitful today but it creates a domino effect in the long run.