During menstruation, many women struggle to sleep. In this blog post, we will discuss how alternative sleeping positions might help you sleep comfortably during your period while also relieving cramps.
The intensity of Period cramps varies for each woman. Menstrual cramps are usually minor. However, it can be severe at times. Strong stabs that make you bend over to a lingering pain that extends through your gut and your back are all possibilities. Dizziness, nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting are all common side effects for some women.
Menstrual cramps are not sickness; they are triggered by your monthly cycle. Your lower belly, back, and thighs may experience mild to severe pain. It normally begins just before your menstruation and lasts between 12 and 72 hours.
What causes the Cramps?
You know that cramps occur monthly. But do you know what causes cramps in the first place? Does it have anything to do with your diet? Or maybe your sedentary routine causes it? Can it be because you don’t exercise regularly? No, all these reasons do not cause cramps. They may have an impact on how severe the pain is though.
Coming back to the question, why do we suffer from this pain? It is because Menstrual cramps are simply the contraction of your uterus as it sheds its lining. Bloating, overexercising, or not working out at all, contribute to the intensity of your pain but are not the causes of your pain.
What is the best sleeping posture for period pain?
By relieving strain on the abdominal muscles, lying in the fetal posture can help relieve cramps and period pain. It’s also beneficial to sleep on your back or side, as in the recovery position. Sleeping on your stomach, however, is not advised.
Let’s look at some of the best sleeping positions for period pain, as well as how and why they can help you get the relief you need so you can sleep soundly throughout your period.
1. The Position of the Fetus
Despite the lack of research, some health practitioners recommend sleeping in a fetal posture to alleviate menstruation cramps.
The fetal position refers to a position on your side with your knees tucked into your chest, similar to that of a fetus in the womb.
The explanation appears to be that resting on your side relieves strain on the lower body. Any undue pressure on the belly muscles during your period may cause additional pain and cramping.
In practice, though, it is found that bringing the knees towards the chest does not assist when someone is bloated and crampy when menstruating. Other side-lying posture might be preferable in that situation.
Finally, listening to your body is the most effective way to select a sleeping posture that relieves pain. If you’re tossing and turning through the night, try staying in an uncomfortable position for a few seconds longer to discover where your body is screaming for attention.
Pain is a highly intelligent physical response that alerts us to the need for change. Our pain is signaling to us that something is wrong with our bodies. If the fetal position helps, excellent; if it doesn’t, see what tiny adjustments you can do to feel comfortable.
2. The Recovery Position
First aid responders employ the recovery position to help get more oxygen into the airways while waiting for emergency services to arrive.
Lying on your side with your bottom leg straight and your top leg bent towards your belly can provide the same abdominal relaxation as the fetal position while also boosting your breathing capacity and thus improving your sleep quality.
3. Using a Pillow
Props can be the key to comfort and relaxation! You will get a better understanding and usage of props if you visit a Restorative yoga class.
Restorative yoga is a style of yoga that uses a variety of props to support various sections of the body and make you feel secure.
This permits the nervous system to unwind, triggering the parasympathetic response, which includes slumber and digestion. This is useful in yoga classes as well as for sleeping.
Try putting a pillow between your legs and one behind your back. Alternatively, try the above-mentioned recovery position with a pillow beneath the bent leg. Check out the latest collection of pillows, cushions, and bolsters available at Sleep Cosee online store.
4. Lying on your Back
Although lying on your back puts little strain on the uterus, it can cause leaks for some women. Read here to know how to get rid of those period stains.
If this is the case for you, you may find that wearing period pants or menstrual cups, or both, is the easiest method to obtain excellent sleep while on your period. It could be worth checking into some alternative items like period trousers or menstrual cups.
If your flow is very heavy, know that it is typically a sign that something is out of balance, and that consulting a doctor can help! If you have cramps and heavy flow, as well as a short period and other indicators of estrogen dominance, over-the-counter medicines may assist.
If you generally prefer to sleep on your back but find it difficult to do so when menstruating, consider placing a pillow, a bolster or round pillow, or even a rolled-up towel beneath your knees.
5. Yoga Poses
Many yoga positions are recommended by yoga teachers to their menstrual pupils. Some of these yoga poses, such as a child’s pose, are so pleasant that you can sleep in them!
Listen to your body once more and see what works best for you. Otherwise, there are a few relaxing positions you can do in your PJs before going to bed.
Bonus: A Sleeping Position to Avoid
It’s not a good idea to lie on your stomach during your period since the extra pressure on your abdomen may force your uterus to contract more, emptying your uterine lining faster and resulting in a bigger bleed that night.
Regular stomach sleepers, in general, tend to have a lot of structural troubles and neck problems, so if you regularly sleep on your stomach, it could be worth trying out some pillows and props to feel comfortable in a different position.