Whether you are married or living together with your partner, the way you share your bedroom space with someone affects how close and happy you are. Married couples inevitably share a closet, and room space. Couples who are engaged or living together, have few more options in their favor.
Though the status of the relationship differs, the bedroom etiquette remains the same. Your bedroom decor is the reflection of you. Keeping the bedroom in neutral and natural shades gives the feeling of relaxation and warmth. Brighter tones on bedsheets or contrasting color pillows, make the room look fabulously alive and charming. Either way, your bedroom is your play area so choose your bed sheets and pillows from the best of collections.
Relationships have changed over the years.
Every love story comprises the same format. You meet the person of interest, know them better, care for them, trust them and last but most important love them.
Earlier, compromising for each other, understanding each other, and fulfilling each other’s necessities were the only essential factors. With lifestyle modification, people’s expectations from their significant other have also changed.
To make sure your relationship sustains through all the ups and downs, here are a few tactics you should try to be a happy romantic couple.
You before me
If you love somebody, caring for them comes naturally. But showing them you care is the crucial part. You don’t have to do everything for your spouse. Rather avoid doing things that your partner hates.
It can be minor things, like keeping your shoes straight or dressing right for the event. Small things when done right matter a lot more.
To ensure your loved ones feel they are cared for, involve them while decorating the room. Buy their choice of bedsheets or love pillows that would make them feel special.
Pillow talks and more
Almost every couple’s bedroom witnesses pillow talk. The conversation that takes place before sleep is the most genuine one. It allows your loved ones to open up about their feelings.
The late-night conversation may sometimes end up in debates or arguments. Having small fights is healthy in every relationship. Yet in such times remember not to sleep with angry minds. Moreover, try to bring the matter to a conclusion before going to sleep.
The snuggle factor
Snuggling is a crucial ingredient in making a happy couple. A cuddle brings the couple closer. It makes your partner feel your love and warmth all at once. Cuddling with your partner erases all the distance. Sleeping on the lap of your loved ones and reading. Watching your favorite movie or series whilst embracing each other. All of the touches bring you one step closer to being a cheerful duo.
Therefore, your bedroom should have a strong snuggle factor. Contrasting colored throw pillows accentuates the snuggle feeling. In winters a luxurious cozy comforter will bring warmth to your relationship.
Combination of Vastu and Feng Shui
As per Vastu Shastra, your bedroom must accommodate everything in pairs, 2 side tables, 2 lamps, and so on. Symmetrical bedroom decor ensures harmony and equality amongst the couple.
It further states that there should be enough sunlight passing through the bedroom to promote positivity. Of all the aspects a couple wishes for is positivity in their relationship.
Whereas, according to feng shui, the mattress should always feel soft to your skin. Layering it with soft satin, silk, or pure cotton bed sheets will bring good energy to the room.
Furthermore, Feng Shui suggests keeping muted shades to promote sensuality between husband and wife. Skin tones for walls, furniture, and sheets help in attracting good vibes as well as restful slumber.
Avoid mobile phones
Work, shopping, social media, entertainment, and many more activities are done from the comfort of your mobile phones. Often couples are busy with their mobile phones instead of spending time with each other. This can be the cause of drifting apart from your spouse.
Spending too much of your time on phones, may it be, working, binge-watching, or social media applications, can become a mood changer.
Studies suggest you should stay away from your phone for at least 30 minutes before going to sleep. Read our blog on how to reduce screen time. The bedroom is the place to rest. Anything that disturbs the calmness of the room should be avoided.
Sleep cycle
Sleeping for a minimum of 7 hours a day is a must. When you have had a good sleep, you react to situations differently.
Sleep deprivation can make you feel short-tempered and easily irritated.
More often than not, the fights between two love birds take place because of instant reactions. Lack of sound sleep results in frequent headaches and mood swings.
Sleepless nights are followed by aging. It causes your skin to wrinkle faster than normal.
To enjoy a good night’s sleep, you should have a mattress that makes you feel comfortable.
Sleeping on foam pillows ensures your neck has enough rest while sleeping. A clean well-fitted bed sheet gives you uninterrupted rest. A dohar or comforter according to the season provides a feeling of protection.
When you sleep properly, you feel happy. You make your spouse feel happy and thus you achieve your relationship goals.
Keep the spark on
After a certain period, you are habituated to your partner. You understand their actions and anticipate their reactions. When you know everything about your loved ones, it is easy to find your love life mundane.
To maintain the same novelty of love, you have to make efforts. Gift some love pillows to each other. Redecorate your bedroom. Buy new furniture together. Involve in fun activities from time to time.
The end goal is to keep yourself attached and attracted to your loved ones.
Every couple has a unique love story. Every individual has a different character. And yet the one goal of a relationship is the same. ‘To be happy together for as long as possible.’
Replenish the romance with your loved ones and be the talk of the town.