11 Weirdly Crazy Things Sleep-Deprived Moms Do & Act Like They Didn’t

1. The Dreams You Shouldn’t Be Having

We all have stories of wetting our beds at night when we were kids all because we had a dream so real of actually being inside the toilet.
There are real-world examples of adult parents doing this out of exhaustion. Do not forget to buy a good quality mattress protector, just in case.
2. Forgetting Your Baby
Babies crying in the middle of the night is one of the most common reasons why mommies don't get enough sleep. But what if your baby cries and you thought it was a doorbell? This is not a story but a real incident that has happened.
3. Hide’n’Seek At Home
If you are a mother and also a homemaker, you would most probably text your husband every night asking him when he will be reaching home. If you are a sleep-deprived mother, you might end up doing this even if your husband's already home.
4. Searching For The Baby In Hand
Being a new-mom you would have to feed your baby now and then. Jodie Coxs on BuzzFeed says that she went searching for her missing baby all around the house, only to find that she's holding her baby in hand and nursing her.
5. Embarrassing Yourself In Traffic
After being awake for the entire night Kay Calhoun had to visit the nearest drug store. She was standing at a red signal but found it annoying as the cars behind her kept honking. She got back and yelled back at them only to know that it wasn't a signal but a stop sign.
6. Fashion Gone Wrong
Staying up the entire night is okay if you are going to be home the following day.
But if you have to get back to work, you might have to check your dress code properly. You might end up shuffling your footwear and look like a clown.
7. Replacing Coffee With Hot Water
After a sleep-deprived night, a nice warm cup of coffee is almost a necessity. But what if you forget to put coffee seeds in your machine and just drink hot water thinking it was coffee? This is exactly what Aaron Burrsir did.
8. Abandoning Your Pants
Amber Layne says that she forgot to wear pants when she took her son out to drop him off at school.
Sometimes children aren't the only thing that keeps you awake. Try buying a soft pillow and it could help you have a good night's rest.
9. Watch What You Throw Away
Most sleep-deprived moms are also working women who come back from work so late. When they finally find some time to sleep they do not want to waste a single extra minute. Lyndsey Turner was wiping out her makeup and removing her jewellery. Instead of throwing out the dirty tissue, she accidentally threw out the jewellery.
10. Losing Your Groceries
How awful would you feel after shopping for almost an hour only to forget loading them into your car before you leave? To your surprise, this is one of the most common things that most sleep-deprived moms do.
11. Ruining The Dinner
No matter how sleep-deprived you are, you can never miss your dinner. But Lizzie Brantley while doing so, messed up her entire food by pouring dishwasher all over it thinking it was maple syrup.