4 Good Sleeping Habits For Adults To Improve Sleep Quality - SleepCosee

4 Good Sleeping Habits For Adults To Improve Sleep Quality

4 Good Sleeping Habits For Adults To Improve Sleep Quality

You must have had your fair share of sleepless nights and bad sleeping schedules as you struggle with the uncertain lifestyle imposed on us by the ongoing pandemic. 

As hard as it can get, we can’t deny that good sleeping habits influence more than just our energy during the day. Just by incorporating healthy and good sleeping habits into our lives, we can improve our lives so much more!

Many people think healthy sleeping habits are just about sleeping sooner and waking up earlier with 8 hours of sleep each night. Good sleeping habits are about long-term consistency in a way that improves the overall quality of your life. 

You will need to make many necessary changes in your lifestyle - ranging from your food habits to the kind of bedding and pillows you use. Let’s see some useful tips for adults to develop good sleeping habits.

1.Fix your sleep schedule

good sleeping

You can’t have an erratic and inconsistent wake-up and bedtime if you are striving for healthy and good sleeping habits as a working adult.

It might take some time to get your body accustomed to a new wake up schedule, but be consistent with it.

Wake up and go to sleep at a fixed time every day. In the beginning, if it’s difficult to fall asleep sooner, strive for at least waking up at the same time. Once you have established the same waking up time, soon you can move on to going to bed at the same time.

Try avoiding naps during the daytime while you’re making these changes in your sleep schedule - it will help you sleep sooner at night.

If you still want to take naps during the daytime, be careful about the time. Don’t take naps in the evenings. The best time for a daytime nap would be after your lunch for no more than 20 minutes.

2. Optimize your bedroom

sleep peacefully

Another helpful thing to do is to optimise your bedroom for the highest comfort and relaxation where you can be stress-free and sleep peacefully.

Some ways you can prepare a sleep-ready bedroom are:

  • 1. A comfortable bed

  • Make sure the mattress, sheets and pillows you are using are giving you the utmost physical comfort to be in. Many people face problems like neck pain and back pain just because they are not using quality mattresses or pillows.

  • 2. Set the temperature right 

  • It’s nearly impossible to sleep if you are either freezing to death or smouldered in excessive heat. Find the right temperature - slightly cooler, if anything - and relax in a comfortable blanket to sleep peacefully.

  • 3. Avoid screens and tech in bed

  • Most people in modern days are guilty of this behaviour - using phones right before sleeping. Lights from screens can be really distracting and affect your circadian rhythm.

  • 4. Minimize noise disruptions

  • Make sure your phone is on silent and there is no phone call due that might disturb you. If there are children at home, make them go to bed before you do.

    5. Try aromatherapy at night

    Try using essential oils like lavender or sandalwood to help you relax while you sleep. It can also help you form an association with smell and sleep, helping you further.

    3.Try a Bed-time routine

    bed-time routine

    Bed-time routines are a consistent series of activities that you follow every night before going to sleep. This helps your body understand that the time to sleep is near and you will be able to relax as you prepare for a night of good sleep.

    For example, some people like to take a walk, then a bath followed by reading for half an hour and then listen to calming music as they fall asleep. In this series of events, each next activity is a reminder of approaching time to sleep. 

    Some things you can try as a bed-time routine are:

      • Bed-time breathing exercise

      • Meditation 

      • Reading

      • A relaxing bath

      • Aromatherapy

      • Calming music

    Remember that these are various options for activities you can and it’s not important that you try each of them - pick what suits you the best.

    Before you select any of the activity or series of activities, here are three common things that you must do consistently, every night in preparation for bedtime:

      1. Take a 30-minutes winding downtime - it’s during this time that you can do any of your favourite, relaxing activities.

      2. Lower the light and let the darkness settle in - darkness will help your body release melatonin, the sleeping hormone.

      3. Disconnect from all sorts of screens and electronic devices and spend some time in your comfortable bed, relaxing.

    4.Consult your doctor when needed

    good sleeping habits

    Even though most of us suffer from a simple plain lack of discipline and bad sleeping habits, there are many who are suffering from chronic or mild insomnia.

    For these individuals, even good sleeping habits are not enough and they often require medical intervention and therapy. So if you have trouble sleeping despite adopting all the healthy and good sleeping habits, you should go and see a doctor.

    For most others though, something as simple as getting more comfortable bedding or changing their eating habits can help.

    You know yourself better - don’t hesitate to consult a doctor if you think nothing else is working. A little professional help can go a really long way in improving your life!

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