Amazing Eight Gadgets for New Dad
The day when you hear the cry of your newborn and hold that little bundle of joy in your hands is unforgettable. A father anticipates this day for nine long months, just like a mother. Though they don't carry the baby with them, their minds are always with the child. With this new age of parenting, fathers show more involvement in a baby's day-to-day life than before.
There are days when being a parent and babysitter is so exhausting that you "can't even bear it," yet you go with it since there are no sick leaves, meal breaks, or coffee breaks. Being a parent to a baby is difficult, especially when they are newborns or infants. And anything on this planet that even slightly eases the situation is a miracle. Fortunately, these 8 modern gadgets are miniature technological marvels.
1. Diaper Genie
Every new parent learns 'how to change the diaper' before the baby comes into the outside world. But the real test starts when these diapers turn heavy and stinky. And around the same time, the baby starts crawling and standing on its own. Now that is what you call the final examination of your 'diaper changing crash course'.
You have a dirty diaper in one hand and you are trying to hold the baby still with the other. But boy, are they fast to move out of your grip. By the time you roll the poopy diaper and place it neatly, your baby will have moved the mountains.
Diaper Genie gives you a quick solution. Remove the diaper and dump it directly in the Diaper Genie. It will get packed in the trash bag, and cover the odor immediately. No more stink in the room, and you can clean your baby nicely and easily.
2. Bottle and Nipples Sterilizer
Safety, hygiene, and cleaning are the three major concerns with kids' containers. You don't want your tiny tot to feed from unsterilized bottles and nipples. But warming up water to the right temperature now and then is a tedious task. And at times at night, waking up with sleepy eyes, to find out that the bottles and nipples are not washed properly.
Alas, there is a quick solution to this daily chore. Bottles and nipples sterilizer. As soon as you are done washing the bottle with dish soap and water, place it in the sterilizer. It will sterilize your bottle and nipples. This will be ready to use every time you need them. And even if you have forgotten to purify them previously, these sterilizers can make things work in a few minutes. Just place the bottle and nipples, fill in the water and your job is done.
Also, you can disinfect straws, and breast pump accessories in these appliances.
3. Food and Bottle Warmer
Your little one has 3 important jobs to do. Eat - Unload - Sleep. And all of this has to be done right on time. A tiny bit of change in their food's temperature and they would start crying. Under such circumstances, a food and bottle warmer is your saviour. With this appliance, you can warm up the food that mama made to the right warmth. The breast milk that was pumped and stored in the fridge can be warmed up in no time.
4. Formula Maker
Haste makes waste. And that happens to be true. Every time you make the formula milk for your precious little, it is either too thick or too thin. Worry not! This Formula maker has come to help you. With this product you can choose the temperature of your bottle, and select the quantity that needs to be made. So from now on, every time you will have a perfectly warm formula milk.
5. Compact Stroller or Pram
Want to go shopping? Are you meeting your friends for lunch? And you have no babysitter available at the point. You can obviously manage to travel in the car with a car seat, but how do you roam with the baby when they are sleeping? If only there were bed and play area options available everywhere you go. Alas! That is not the case. Best to have a stroller with you. But it won't fit in the car.
There are Compact and foldable strollers you know. They are so convenient, you fold it, put it in the car, and open it when you reach your destination. Easy, peesy! Your tiny bundle will have fun playing around the mall and sleep comfortably in the stroller. Bonus point, you don't have to carry them on your shoulder.
6. Automatic Swing
Has it happened to you yet? Your tiny bundle of joy is fast asleep in their cradle. As soon as you stop the swing and leave for a pee break they wake up. Keeping the swing on for a long time is tiring and painful. Men have understood your pain. They invented a cradle that swings on its own. Fun and helpful, right? Yes it is. Now you can even have a nice good nap in the afternoon and the swing won't stop.
7. White Noise Speaker
Babies don't know how to read the clock. Hence they forget their sleep time. And they make a big fuss about missing their sleep time. How bad can this get? You think that they are playful right now so they will sleep peacefully later. Wrong. Very wrong. Kids need a reminder to sleep on time. Too bad you can't just show them the clock and put them to bed. You will have to gently bring them into their sleep zone from the play area. And what better way than white noise? White noise machines have pre-loaded ocean waves sound, shushing sounds, even volume control. You can also set timers for desired minutes. Isn't it amazing? You don't have to cramp your tongue shushing the baby. Just switch on the machine, and the baby goes to sleep.
It is also suggested that you learn how to sleep train your baby as early as 6 months onwards.
8. Digital Baby Monitor
Leaving your baby or toddler alone in a room is good exercise. But stressful for parents. You are always worried, what if the kiddo climbs up the wall trying to do Somersault, or what if he or she gets his hands on mommy bear's makeup? Ooh! That would be a sight to see, both for mumma and baby. We understand you can't keep the child alone. But you can't be standing on their heads all the time. They need to learn to be alone, to be confident and feel safe in their own home. Digital baby monitors can help you keep an eye on your child. And not just while they are in the crib, also when they turn older, you can check on them if they are studying, playing or sleeping. You can get cute little camera toys and get the direct broadcasting on the monitor in another room.
This is just a glimpse of what you can get for new fathers as gifts. There are plenty of other options that Papa bear can get, like a carrycot cum car seat, digital thermometer, smart sleeping cots, quick dry sheets in different sizes and even squirting spoon sets. The list is endless. There are innovations and inventions every other day. And anything that you invest for a child is useful.