We celebrate World Sleep Day on the 19th of March, 2021 to spread awareness about how important sleep is. But it’s saddening to know that most of us are sleep-deprived. On this occasion, we’re about to discuss how lockdown has impacted our precious sleep.
There is a considerable increase in sleep disorders after lockdown according to the ministry of public health. The lockdowns helped us subdue the effects of the pandemic but gave rise to a new set of problems that no one could have anticipated.
There were behavioral changes among people and improper sleep has become a major issue. Is the work-from-home culture inhibiting people’s sleep or is there another underlying issue? Let’s find out!
Deconstructed Work Cycle
People had a clear work timing in the pre-lockdown era around which they planned their entire day. This includes their eat-sleep cycle.
There is no denying the fact that companies have begun to take advantage of the work-from-home culture. They demand their employees work off-hours which often extend until late nights.
This new normal is forcing people to change the way their body works which inturn disturbs their metabolism and sleep cycle.
Social Jetlag
People, in general, have increased the usage of digital media/backlit devices without realizing the effect it has on their sleep. Most sleep disorders after lockdown are because of the impact that it has on your body’s biological clock.
A recent survey with the participation of over 1500 candidates indicated that our society is suffering from a phenomenon called “social jetlag”. We feel like there’s nothing wrong with our lives when in reality, we are degrading our health.
For example, homemakers (unemployed married women) have the additional burden of managing their kids now which is forcing them to work long hours. Since you deprive your body this way, even when you sleep long hours, you’ll still end up tired and exhausted.
Induced Insomnia
The shear stress of the pandemic, job insecurity, social isolation, and the stories of people succumbing to COVID has induced immeasurable stress on all of us.
Most people have been diagnosed with severe depression and anxiety after the pandemic which is one of the major reasons for sleep disorders after the pandemic. Doctors say that Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) could also affect a significant amount of the population.
The elderly are the most vulnerable to induced insomnia and if diagnosed, they must not consume sedatives on their own. Consuming them without proper medical supervision could easily destroy your prognosis and totally make you dependent on drugs.
Sleep Apnea Has Gotten Prevalent
Doctors suggest that over 20% of the population could be suffering from Sleep Apnea after the pandemic. A large portion of people have remained physically inactive for months and has also increased their alcohol consumption which results in weight gain.
It happens to be the number one causative factor of sleep apnea. We consume more than what our body can burn in the form of snacks and drinks which can again worsen pre-existing Sleep apnea.
Patients with cardiovascular conditions and those who snore loudly must have a sleep apnea assessment as early as possible to reverse or even cure the condition.
Mid-Day Snoozing
A power nap during the day can actually help you stay productive by giving your body some much-needed rest. People who suffer from sleep disorders after lockdown often have the habit of taking long naps mid-day.
This alters your body’s natural circadian rhythm further delaying your night’s sleep time. But this isn’t a serious issue. Just have a clear time-table of your day’s work and strategize your nap time before your active hours. And if you’re going to remain inactive for the day, avoid snoozing mid-day.
From this World Sleep Day, take control of your sleeping habits before it turns into a chronic condition.
When you take a step back and look at it, almost every sleep disorder after lockdown is treatable without having to visit a medical practitioner. Pay close attention to your sleep environment because where you sleep will determine how you’ll sleep.
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